2022Posts written in 2022. Leave My Legacy Alone 2nd Sep 2022In defence of legacy systems the world over. Improving outcomes with digital transformation doesn't mean legacy systems have to go. Let me explain why. What the Natural World Can Teach Business About Digital Transformation and Longevity16th Aug 2022The first step in trying to automate a large enterprise is so daunting you might not want to take it. However, as with many of mankind's greatest fixes, the answer might have been here all along. Learn how forests survive the ages collaboratively using a fungal network and how we can apply those lessons to digital transformation. The future might be closer than you think - for once.4th Aug 2022Why you should rethink what you've classified as possible "in the future". Deep process automation: Process-first Architecture for operating enterprise processes20th Jun 2022To run a complex process we want (i) systems running each function, (ii) connectors in/out of each system, and (iii) a system operating the process across the functions. Enterprises have great software running each function and advanced connectors, however there are bespoke and fragmented systems operating the process. As a result, running complex enterprise processes today is expensive and slow. Luther's platform is a new paradigm in automating the operations of complex processes.